Divorces are often difficult, but things are made even more complicated when children are involved. That's why people will seek the best family divorce attorney Connecticut when they are facing this situation. A good family divorce attorney will make sure that the children get the best outcome while also making sure to take care of other matters, such as asset valuation and distribution.
The days of one parent automatically getting sole custody and the other one not even getting visitation rights ended long ago, but that doesn't mean that the court follows a set formula for deciding how the specifics should work. In some cases, custody is shared equally, forcing children to shuttle between their parents' houses on a set schedule. In others, the kids will spend most or all of their time at one parent's house, but will spend weekends with the other one every so often or even have the other parent come and visit them. Of course, there are times when it's not good for the kids to have contact with one of the parents. Then, the court's order may explicitly specify that the losing parent is to stay away.

Of course, parents often find that the custody arrangements are a bone of contention in a divorce. In these cases, both sides will hire the best possible family lawyers to advance their position and demolish that of the other side. In the absence of hard evidence either way, the court will decide based on the arguments of the attorneys, testimony by each parent, and if the children are old enough to understand what's going on, their testimony as well.

While the children take center stage in a divorce where they're involved, these cases must also lead to conclusions of other aspects of the failed marriage. Assets need to be divided, and in most cases, some will have to be sold off since it wouldn't be fair to give one party the entire value. When the divorce involves a large marital estate, everything will have to be properly valued before the court can arrive at the proper conclusion. This can cause long delays as specialized appraisers and other professionals are brought in to determine what everything's worth.

Fortunately, experienced family divorce lawyers are used to working with all aspects of cases. This allows them to deal with everything from custody and alimony to negotiating about who is going to get the painting that hangs in the living room.