When a marriage begins to break down, it can be troubling for everyone involved. The spouses themselves often find that their dreams for the future are beginning to shatter, children feel uprooted, and even extended family can feel shocked and sad. While the best family divorce attorney Connecticut is always a valuable asset for those who have decided to move forward with the legal proceedings, there are a few things that every couple should do before they begin to contact their lawyers.

Determine if they really want a divorce
Although this might seem as though it is common sense, a surprising number of couples confuse being in an unhappy marriage, which can be fixed, and being in a marriage that is beyond repair. The couple should carefully evaluate if their relationship can and should be salvaged.
Check the relationship for any external strains
Often external pressures on the relationship, such as deaths or serious illnesses in the family, can put such a tremendous amount of stress on the couple that nearly any marriage would appear to fail under the circumstances. Those involved should make sure that their relationship and experience is not being colored by any such force.

Evaluate their personal role in the struggles
Even if this current relationship is beyond repair, rarely is the breakdown of the marriage entirely the fault of one person. Each spouse should take the time to honestly evaluate what they might have done differently to save the relationship. If the couple decides to move forward for the divorce, this can help them avoid repeating the same mistakes in future relationships.
See if counseling would help
Marriage counseling can be a valuable asset for those who are considering divorce. By taking the time to sit down and talk about their issues with a third party, the couple can receive guidance about how to improve their relationship. If the relationship has a future, the counselor can help save the marriage. If the couple decides to get a divorce, the counseling might help them have a more peaceful resolution. Counselors might also be able to offer help and guidance when dealing with children.

Divorce is never a pleasant process, Before a couple makes a call to that divorce attorney, they should carefully evaluate the above criteria and see if their relationship might have a future. Then the couple should be able to determine together if divorce is the best answer for their situation.